Monday, July 30, 2012

A Little Bit Story of Me

ohhh , long time no see my blog . lol 
let's start to write again . There is a girl that make me want to write again in this blog . Thank's to mbak Hastami ( b'cause she give me spirit to keep writing on this blog :P
Actually , I don't know what I wanna write . After I thought harder than ever for a long time . It's like lebay ( in Indonesian ) . wowowooooo . 

 I wanna write about myself . It's time for me to write about this after I have had this blog since 2 years ago I think . I'm little bit forget :p 

If you wanna know me , you should read this posting . It's totally about me and my atmosphere . Not interesting, but important for youuuu that wanna know me more than ever . 

First, I'm wulan . I'm 18 years old . I have one brother and one sister . I'm also have family that love me so much . Now, I study at English Education Department and Teacher Training Faculty at University of Tanjungpura. I choose this faculty because I'm freak at English . I wanna improve my English so that I can talk with people from the other parts of this world . I wanna go abroad with my schoolarship . I should study hard to get it as soon as possible. But, my big trouble is " I am a lazy girl " not stupid but lazy to move . lol :D
I'm often get online on some websites like tagged, omegle, facebook, msn, YM , and mm . It can help me to find foreign people from other countries easily .

I'm also have a big passion . I wanna make my family proud of me because my education , especially for my parents . They are the most influential people in my life . They inspire me since I was born until now . I don't know what gonna happen if I live without them .

My beloved parents and nephew

I think that's enough to tell this . I know, it's not much but that's the important point of my life .
omg , I realize that I'm bad in grammar . That's no problem for me . It can help me to practice my writing . Hohooo .
Without much talk , I say byeee and see you on my next posting . xoxo

I believe this !


  1. waaah ada nama kakak nih , hihi
    asiiik edek kembali ngeblog :D

    1. iyaaa , ga mau kalah nih sm kakak :P
      gara2 kakak nih ngebangkitkan semangat ngeblog yg membara-bara :D

  2. ini baru aseeek , mari ramaikan dunia blog dengan Wanita Berhijab :D

  3. iyaa kak :D next posting nih ngebahas tentang hijab yuuukkss yukss :)
